Aren’t you sick of advertising?

The article is half a page long, but if you don’t feel like reading, at the bottom of the page you have it in video.

Some advertising misleads us

Seriously, aren’t you sick to death of advertising? Don’t you see that it comes at us from all sides and invades our privacy? Haven’t you seen how little respect they have for us? How is it possible that it is understood that it is aimed at adults and yet it seems to be aimed at children? Have you noticed? Haven’t you noticed that it seems to be aimed at the mentally handicapped?

That if offers that expire with time, that if the best price, that if two for one, that if the best quality… There are some that yes, that are well done, that you can see that they have talent, but they are so few… And then the time they put in. There are some media that have no shame, between 15 or 20 minutes of time to eat our brains. But how is it possible! They show us the advertisement and we are ecstatic when we watch it.

Although I personally have several tricks to avoid it. The first is to take the opportunity to go to the kitchen, to the toilet or to do anything. The second is to have two channels tuned in (TV) and I switch between them. The third is to watch and listen only to public media (without advertising). Fourth, I have my brain used to select (not to see) advertising when reading the printed press, for example. Fifth, I have the remote at hand to ‘skip‘ when I’m watching YouTube. Well, last but not least: Paying for any broadcast media in order not to have advertising? And if so, what budget would I have to devote to funding channels in order not to have to watch advertising?

Companies with a lot of advertising on TV

There is also induced advertising, i.e., what they end up publishing. Look at the format of the news, first the headlines, then the development, events, sport (especially football), the weather, and if there is anything left: culture. And then there are the social networks, which are a real maelstrom, although there will always be those who will use them to spread hoaxes. And I’m not even talking about influencers: I don’t follow anyone, of course. But what I’m not sure about is whether I’m a naïve idealist or whether we humans are really not right in the head. You tell me it doesn’t bother you? Well, my friend, go on watching advertising, I won’t be the one to stop you.

It must cost quite a lot of money to put that propaganda in the media, right? Do all companies have that kind of capital? I don’t think so… although I recently found out that it is a way of financing journalistic companies. And how is it done? Well, I suppose that when paying taxes there will be a percentage of what is declared for advertising that will be exempt. A way like any other of giving money to companies to make them politically correct.

Until the next reflection.

Subtitles in English and Spanish


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